8 Aug 2011

Smoking can lead to implant failure!

A study was published in the February 2007 issue of the Journal of Periodontology, which reported that smoking harms dental implants and causes them to fail, more often than in a non smoker. Researchers involved in this study, found that smoking is a high risk factor in tooth loss and dental implant failure.

One reason for this is could be because smokers are at a greater risk for infection following surgery, and they heal more slowly. Smokers also suffer more bone loss around teeth and are more prone to developing severe periodontal (gum) disease. Another reason could be because smoking negatively affects the blood flow to the bone and gums, which impairs healing, causing the implant to fail (ie. the implant fails to integrate with the surrounding bone and is mobile).

Smokers also absorb less vitamin C than non smokers. Vitamin C is required for healing of the gum and bone tissues, as it assists in the production of collagen, which is needed for cells to repair and heal.

Therefore, if you want healthy gums and your implants to last for many years, do yourself a favor and give up smoking for good!

Dr Elena Demetriou
Paphos Dental Surgeon